Saturday, July 08, 2006

Blast from the Past

The other day I wondered where my in-laws went to the bathroom as I have a bathroom on my level but I had seen no bathroom on the main level. My kids informed me that the room by the garage held the bathroom. I peaked inside the other morning after taking this shot. Hey it was much nicer than any outhouse I went in as a kid. I try to tell people that not much can surprise me as when I was a child I was living on a farm in Florida. Our outhouse was never as nice and hey this one was free of cockroaches. Posted by Picasa


KhadijaTeri said...

Looks nice! In the fall you'll be busy processing all those dates.... :)

Sandi said...

Yes these pictures look great! I hope you are settling in. The medeteranian living is very interesting and a different beauty. Thanks for the pics. Looking forward to more.

Sandi said...

Where in FL? I didn't think you were old enough to remember outhouses. ha!

Anglo-Libyan said...

you have got us hooked, nice pictures, good luck and look forward to reading more about your trip.