I have been itching to go somewhere again and with this years taxes I asked him a favor. I want to go home. I had my grandchildren with me last summer and my mother and sister visited also during their stay. The day after their arrival I had a stroke and it scared me. Life is just to damn short. I need to see my family again. I need to see my roots and share it with my children. working on genealogy my kids hear some of the details of where I grew up but know little of my life. So me and the girls are making a trip. Tickets are bought and we will be leaving from May 9th to June 21st. While I am there I will be seeing my grandmother who will turn 90. I pray she holds on long enough for me to see her.
My camera is shot so I need to get another one before I go but I hope to do a few things while I am there. Go to the cemetery and photograph the headstones. Look up some records and talk to as many family members as I can. I have lost so many years and my own aunts and uncles I don't even know anymore. They have children I have never seen or they were babies when I last saw them and they are now parents themselves. I want to show the kids what is left of the home I grew up in, the school and places I lived at. Hopefully I will get a good chance to post all my adventures. I pray it is more than what I hoped when I visited my husbands family. I still love them and hope to travel there again but who knows when that will be. I made a video from some old images that I dedicated to my grandparents and I have added a link here. I am trying to get others interested in what I am doing. I guess I had already added this but there is another I will add too. Cant figure out how to remove the other one so here it is again.