Saturday, November 04, 2006

When Barbie becomes Fulla

No, I'm not talking about the dolls but our own daughters. When they are little we dress them up and put them in pretty dresses. Fix their hair and put on makeup and then take them out for the world to adore. So what happens when they reach puberty? Its a hard question, one that many a mom has stressed over. Do I tell my daughter to hijab or wait and let her do it on her own. What if she reaches puberty early? My girls hit it around 10 and although I let them cover since infancy, it is never been mandantory. Well today my 10 year old Khadijah joined the ranks of women. She is my barbie. I tried for many years to keep her modestly dressed and was set back a bit when we were in Libya and the family felt I was being hard by having the girls cover. "Oh she's too young"! No she is not I would say but they got their way. So was I being too orthodox or them too loose? What about those girls who are a bit more on the looker side? Do you suggest a veil for them?
We have about 10 girls in our school of 800 students that are muslim so she has others who are like her. She will not be alone and she has worn it before so kids know why she wears it. So what have you other ladies done? Do you keep with faith that says puberty or let time take the lead. How do you talk to kids about sex in Islam? My boys and I are pretty open but their father has never said anything to them. Do you consider them adults? What suggestions do you give other women who are contemplating this problem.
I have my girls cover plain and simple. Right or wrong they can be married and do as they wish then till then I hope they see my example and feel good about what Allah has commanded.


Anonymous said...

First of all, masha'allaah your daughter is very beautiful!

Insha'allaah your daughter will do as you do now with wearing hijab. For me, I hope my girl will also cover like I do. I plan to teach her that there's really no question about it - as Muslim women, we must cover once we hit puberty.

On a side note: Growing up, my mom dressed us up, but not to the extent that people do over here. It's more like parties / eid have become a little miss beauty pageant with all the over the top fancy clothes, tons of make-up and jewellery! Did you notice the same in Libya? I know you missed Eid but did you attend any parties and experienced the same?

old momma said...

Yes, I saw that too. But I do see it here in the USA as well and that is why I always kept my girls in moderation. When Aieysha hit puberty I took her to her first ladies luncheon. How many women wispered, I later found out they were asking if she was my sister and if she was available. Nope I replied she is my daughter and she is only 10 ladies.
But I agree that is why I feel that dress up is ok for parties but you should be in moderation all other times. People are still looking.