Friday, June 30, 2006

Any Reservations?

Well we are down to one day left before our trip and many people question my sanity in going to the ME region at all. Well a promise is a promise. I want to go and my kids deserve to go so that is the simplest explanation I can give. Trouble can be found anywhere lately. I will keep aware of my surroundings as much as possible and try to be as Libyan as I can haha! God knows all things so for this reason I leave my decisions in his hands. I wanted to be in Libya in May and he saw to it that I go in July. Hey its only 5-7 degrees hotter there than here right now so what's a few more degrees. And I will be able to see the ocean again. I was watching a program on sharks in the Mediterranean yesterday and I promise to stay out of the deep water. Otherwise I have no fears for travel to Libya. A good friend of mine came yesterday to visit, she went to Libya in 1990. She stayed 6 months before she had to return to the USA as one of her children suffered from seizures and they could find no answers there. She wishes she was coming also. She loved Libya! I have made a vow to keep her abreast of all my parties and visits I make. We are two of the three muskateers! Janel my friend in Libya was the third. She left in 90 also but stayed in Libya. I can't wait to see her. We have both changed and grown from the young married ladies we once knew but with time I think we will be the same as we were before. Three of her kids were like my babies here. Now they are young adults, will they remember auntie? I know they do but that was the memories of children. I remember Janel telling me that Sakina asked when we were going to my house just days after they arrived in Libya. I got the same recently from my 6 yr old when she said, "Oh we can see grandma and then go to school next week!" With year-round school we will miss almost two months of the new school year. So I am not sure of what we will do when we return.
Maybe a year overseas will be nice! The girls all want to stay from now so I just have to convince the boys!

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